prenatal personal training.
reimagined &

Enjoy 1-on-1 training and expertly designed workouts from the comfort of your home.

your expert. your journey. just imagine.

  • Feeling prepared and empowered for motherhood
  • Feeling supported by a trusted prenatal fitness expert
  • The feeling of making time for YOU and your babies health
  • The comfort of working out from your own home
  • Finding relief from aches, pains, and pelvic floor & core concerns

lily by lotus

It’s not just another prenatal fitness program.  It’s YOUR prenatal fitness program. 

your prenatal experience is unique. so is our program:

  • Four 1-on-1 virtual sessions with your prenatal expert to check form, breathing mechanics, and design your program
  • 2 workouts per week designed just for you, customized to your unique journey, delivered directly to your inbox
  • Receive ongoing guidance & support from the world’s leading & most trusted pregnancy fitness experts
  • Update your prenatal expert as your body changes and your program will evolve with you
  • Open communication with your prenatal expert to answer any questions along the way
  • Video “drops” strategically available for 48 hours, promoting accountability to help keep you on track

about the lotus method - about the lotus method

the most trusted pre / postnatal fitness experts

The Lotus Method was founded back in 2014 by Pre/Postnatal Master Trainer Caitlin Ritt.  Since our opening in 2014 The Lotus Method has expanded to six studios in San Francisco and New York, trained women virtually from around the world, and helped thousands upon thousands women feel safe, strong, and empowered throughout their pregnancies and beyond.

Lily by Lotus was born from the knowledge that the kind of support, guidance, and strength that The Lotus Method provides to prenatal and postpartum women should be accessible to all!  Lily by Lotus has taken the knowledge of training thousands of pre/postnatal women in a 1-on-1 setting, and created customized workouts that will evolve and change with your transforming body, while maintaining the guidance necessary from a prenatal expert to help you feel safe, strong, and confident during your workouts and beyond.

take a peek
into the program

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1”, “MODULE HEADER” and then 4 sentences
describing each pillar or module.

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or module of the program. Hierarchy: “MODULE
1”, “MODULE HEADER” and then 4 sentences
describing each pillar or module.

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describing each pillar or module.

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or module of the program. Hierarchy: “MODULE
1”, “MODULE HEADER” and then 4 sentences
describing each pillar or module.

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or module of the program. Hierarchy: “MODULE
1”, “MODULE HEADER” and then 4 sentences
describing each pillar or module.

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or module of the program. Hierarchy: “MODULE
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describing each pillar or module.

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or module of the program. Hierarchy: “MODULE
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describing each pillar or module.

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or module of the program. Hierarchy: “MODULE
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describing each pillar or module.

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describing each pillar or module.

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or module of the program. Hierarchy: “MODULE
1”, “MODULE HEADER” and then 4 sentences
describing each pillar or module.

client stories

I’ve had the normal various issues that happen after you have a baby (leakage, loss of core strength, feeling like no time to focus on myself, etc). After finding The Lotus Method while pregnant with my 2nd, I was really excited to learn they had a completely virtual option (Lily by Lotus) because I live states away from their brick and mortar studios. I’m actually shocked by how well it’s worked for me- no more leaking, no more racing to the bathroom, feeling way stronger- and all through my Lily by Lotus workouts. They are so time manageable and don’t feel overwhelming. My pre/postnatal experts adjust the workouts based on how I am feeling! I’ve never been good at working out consistently but because this is so targeted to my needs and I can do it in the comfort of my own home, I’ve been able to stay with it. I enthusiastically and highly recommend Lily by Lotus to all moms or women who are planning on becoming moms! They truly understand exactly what you need as a pregnant woman.

Allison C. pregnant with 2nd

Loved the Lily by Lotus program. Having the commitment of weekly workouts forced me to consistently exercise and doable for just 30 minutes, much more would have been a struggle. With at home workouts it can be hard at times to understand how to do an exercise or a breathing technique, but the instructors really helped with that and put in time for each of us.

Lauren M. pregnant with 1st

Lily by Lotus was the best decision I made for myself during my pregnancy! This program makes personal training accessible from the comfort of your home and more affordable! I've never worked with a personal trainer before, but I knew during my pregnancy I wanted to make sure I was exercising safely and correctly. The on-demand content addressed specifically what I needed each week and the check in's with my pre/postnatal expert not only held me more accountable, but we were able to update my program as needed, adjust movement patterns and I really master the breath which is so import during pregnancy and postpartum! I recommend this program to every pregnant woman I know!

Anna R. pregnant with 1st
I was pretty in shape before I did these Lily by Lotus workouts, so the biggest benefits for me were was something besides yoga (I find prenatal yoga super boring) and working out where I knew it was safe and focused on pelvic floor strength. I did not realize how much of a difference this made until I was fully recovered and tried some of the exercises - wow, such a difference! I ended up having to get induced and when they broke my water I went from 0-100 in contractions, and had to get the epidural, so all the pelvic floor exercises helped me push, and know how to push slowly (I had no tearing!). I also didn't have a diastasis so I assume these workouts helped with that!In the moment it is hard to understand just how beneficial these exercises are. But reflecting back, it definitely made a big difference and if we have a second, I will definitely be doing Lily by Lotus again!
Hayley R.

does this sound like you?

  • Tired of not knowing what you “should or shouldn’t” be doing during pregnancy?
  • Want to feel prepared for the demands of pregnancy, labor and motherhood?
  • Struggling with aches and pains, pelvic floor or core concerns?
  • Want a challenging but safe prenatal workout?
  • Want to feel strong and confident in your changing body?

what lily by lotus is all about

Lily by Lotus will be your guide throughout your pregnancy journey and beyond. Schedule your initial virtual session to learn what our Lily by Lotus program is all about. Your expert will learn about you, your body, and your needs and set you on a unique exercise journey. Then you will receive weekly workout “drops” 2x per week. These workouts will be designed to address your specific prenatal concerns and needs whether you are experiencing low back pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, diastasis recti (abdominal separation), pelvic pain, preparing for labor, or you are feeling amazing but still want a safe but challenging workout!

You will also have the opportunity to schedule your virtual 25 min personal training sessions with your prenatal expert in-addition to your weekly at home workouts.  Receive hands on feedback, guidance, and support tailored to you and your needs.

the sooner you start, the better you'll feel

Pregnancy passes quickly. The sooner you start training, the greater the benefits for you and your baby.

Why our program? Working with an expert for the proper guidance and support is VITAL for your changing body, and the last thing you want is to waste time on a workout that doesn’t work for you.

With LILY by LOTUS, you’ll feel safe (yet challenged) through personalized exercises curated by our world-leading prenatal experts to ensure results for pregnancy, birth, and recovery.

what's included

Virtual one-on-one sessions with your prenatal experts

Four virtual 25 min virtual training sessions with your prenatal fitness expert. Ask them questions about your changing body, receive feedback on movement patterns, alignment, breathing patterns, workouts and more!

$350 value
Curated at home workouts

Receive 2 workouts per week curated to you and your needs. Your workouts will be sent to you weekly and each workout will be available for 48 hours to keep you on track. No more searching through hundreds of online workouts to find one appropriate for you.

$250 value
Guidance from your pre /
postnatal expert

Things change often during pregnancy and your workouts should evolve with you. Easily let your know your pre/postnatal expert what is going on with you, how you are feeling and they will adapt your workouts accordingly.

value = priceless
an entire library of bonus items

Praesent fermentum quam neque. Phasellus eu felis ut justo bibendum tempor vel ut nisl.

$4,500 value
plus, blandit vitae nunc non

Praesent fermentum quam neque. Phasellus eu felis ut justo bibendum tempor vel ut nisl.

$4,50 value
total value = over $600 per month

join the membership - join the membership - join the membership


12 week program
($83 per month)
  • Four 1-on-1 training sessions
  • 2 curated video workouts per week
  • Ongoing support and guidance


24 week program
($66.50 per month)
  • Seven 1-on-1 training sessions
  • 3 curated video workouts per week
  • Ongoing support and guidance

frequently asked questions

+ what are lily by lotus workouts like?

At The Lotus Method and for our Lily by Lotus workouts we incorporate body weight, strength training and band work to help women prepare for the physical and mental demands of motherhood! Think squats, lunges, and deadlifts with a strong emphasis on pelvic floor and core awareness, breath and alignment. Combined with a whole lotta support, love and fun!

+ what equipment do I need?

Our workouts are designed with looped mini bands and unlooped bands for the first two weeks and then light and medium dumbbells thereafter! We may also ask you to grab a chair or pillow from time to time but we will let you know what equipment you need at the beginning of each workout! You can start your first on-boarding session with just your body weight which gives you time to order equipment if needed.

+ can I just sign up for one month?

At TLM we believe in making an impact – and we cannot make a meaningful change in your life in 2-3 workouts. Therefore, we look for members who are committed to their journey and willing to commit to an at least 12 weeks of our program.

+ do you have a free trial?

We do not, but we do have a satisfaction guarantee or your money back. We believe in our product and know you will feel stronger and more confident in your body as a result.

+ how long are your workouts?

Most of our workouts range between 28-30 mins. Enough to get you sweating and feeling good but allow you to get on with your busy day!

+ do your workouts help with diastasis recti (abdominal separation) and pelvic floor health?

Absolutely. While not guaranteed (because there are factors outside of our and often your control such as genetics, posture, diet, daily movements, time between pregnancies, multiples, etc.) our women have reported significant improvement in diastasis recti and pelvic floor health and appropriate / intentional exercise has been shown to minimize the chance and / or heal pelvic floor and core concerns.

+ how do I know your trainers are qualified?

Happy you asked! Most fitness professionals go through an online or weekend course to be “pre / postnatal certified”. Our trainers go through an extensive 6-8 week training course that covers everything from physiological changes during both pregnancy and postpartum, postural changes, pelvic floor and core health, pre / postnatal considerations, birth / IVF / postpartum knowledge and extensive assessment and program design for this population. We also have continuing education every week and since this is all we do, you are receiving the most specific and up to date approach available.

+ do I have access to on-demand content? and why are my workouts only available for 48 hours?

We’ve all been there - scrolling through content for what seems like forever “Netflix style” looking for the perfect thing to watch. Fitness apps and content have become no different. You don’t need hundreds of workouts - you need the right workout for YOU. Especially during pregnancy when your body is changing and what feels good to you might leave another women feeling not so great. That’s why we curate the perfect workout just for you based on your staging, needs and wants. The 48 hour window will keep you on track! And if you miss a workout, no worries. The next one will be waiting for you when you are ready!


Sarah Matias

Why did you become a pre/ postnatal exercise specialist?

After working in a physical therapy clinic I very quickly became aware of how underserved the pre/
postnatal community was. Women who were trying to conceive, pregnant, and postpartum were
seeking out help and guidance in navigating their motherhood journey. The healthcare professionals
did not have the time or resources to be able to provide them the one-on-one attention they needed.
Being able to empower women and help support them through their journey is something that I could
only have dreamed of. The Lotus Method has allowed me to help women not feel alone through this
challenging time in their lives, and I love being able to continue supporting them!

What inspires you the most about our clientele of
badass women?

Their priority to take care of themselves! Our clients run the world, from stay at home moms to CEO’s
these women’s schedules are packed! Yet they still prioritize taking the time to invest in themselves.
Literally running from a meeting straight into an exercise circuit is not uncommon for our mom’s. They
carve out an hour to focus on their strength, their mental health, and their happiness!

If you had to listen to one song on repeat for the
rest of your days – what would it be?

How can I just choose one! River by Leon Bridges or Ritual Union by Little Dragon.