How to Prevent and Decrease Sacroiliac Joint Discomfort
The Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) is located at the base of the spine on either side, where the two sides of the pelvis connect to the sacrum. It is heavily supported by ligaments and musculature. Although it is a movable joint, it is a gliding joint, meaning the SIJ should only allow a small margin of motion and needs a lot of support to hit that balance of just enough, but not too much movement.
3 Moves to Calm Down Your Overactive (Hypertonic) Pelvic Floor
If you are a mom or expecting to become a mom, you have likely heard of the pelvic floor and it is most often referred to as being “loose” or “weak” or “fatigued”. But would you believe me if I told you that the pelvic floor can actually be too tight? Well, as it turns out, it’s very true, and a pelvic floor that is too tight can have some similar implications as a weak pelvic floor does.