tailbone pain

The coccyx, commonly known as the tailbone, is the tiny bone at the bottom of the sacrum and has an important weight-bearing role in the body. Although this bone is small, the tailbone can play a big role in hip, sacroiliac (SI) joint and pelvic pain during pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
Emily Oster Looks at the Data on Back-Sleeping During Pregnancy

Economist, mom, and author Emily Oster, PhD looks at the research on sleep positions while pregnant to determine if the advice to not sleep on your back is valid.
An Exercise Plan for Abdominal Coning or Doming

Have you heard about abdominal “coning or doming” during pregnancy and want to know more? Here’s some info that will help you address when it is happening, figure out different strategies or modify & build abdominal strength safely.
How to Prevent and Decrease Sacroiliac Joint Discomfort

The Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) is located at the base of the spine on either side, where the two sides of the pelvis connect to the sacrum. It is heavily supported by ligaments and musculature. Although it is a movable joint, it is a gliding joint, meaning the SIJ should only allow a small margin of motion and needs a lot of support to hit that balance of just enough, but not too much movement.
3 Moves to Calm Down Your Overactive (Hypertonic) Pelvic Floor

If you are a mom or expecting to become a mom, you have likely heard of the pelvic floor and it is most often referred to as being “loose” or “weak” or “fatigued”. But would you believe me if I told you that the pelvic floor can actually be too tight? Well, as it turns out, it’s very true, and a pelvic floor that is too tight can have some similar implications as a weak pelvic floor does.
“How Can I Prepare for My Cesarean Birth?”

We know that not every women has a c-section in their birth plan, while some may be scheduled others might come as a surprise. It is our goal to help prepare you for anything. Sarah, a pre/postnatal exercise specialist at The Lotus Method, helps get you mamas prepared.
3rd Trimester Exercise: 5 Tips to Optimize your Workout

If you’ve never been pregnant before, it can be hard to imagine how you’ll feel in the third trimester. It can be even harder to imagine how that big belly will affect your workouts.
Exercise Intensity During Pregnancy: How Much is Too Much?

How do you know if you’ve overdone it when exercising during pregnancy? Are there signs or symptoms to look out for to signal that you’re overdone? What happens if you accidentally overdo it? Are there consequences to your health of mother or baby?
Prenatal Strength Workout

Workout Type: Prenatal
Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Impact: zero
Considerations for Starting a Prenatal Fitness Routine

There are times when exercise during pregnancy is contraindicated and should be avoided. It’s crucial that you check with your obstetrician for the green light before beginning or continuing any exercise routine during pregnancy.